
Visual Effect Graph Episode 2: Simple Graph

In this episode, let’s build our first simple Visual Effect Graph!

Here will apply what we learned in the last video and make our Contexts, Blocks and Nodes work together to create a simple but visually fun particle system.

We start with the stock emitter, adjust the size and scale of the particles, then adjust their render settings so each particle becomes a glowing streak.

Initialize the particles over a simple primitive like a torus and we build a nice ring of fire.

Change how the particles spawn over the surface of the torus and apply some basic forces (turbulence and vector field) and now you’re cooking! With a tiny bit of animation added to a few parameters, suddenly our glowing tendrils morph into a mesmerizing fireball!

This should run about half an hour but you could easily spend several hours tweaking parameters and making the effect more complex.

Interested in more Visual Effect Graph tutorials? Leave a comment on the YouTube videos and tell me what effects you want to see next.


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