Month: February 2019


Shader Graph: Procedural Vertex Animation

Shader Graph is a powerful tool within Unity to modify the rendering properties of our materials.  Do you want to make your surface shiny and metallic? Rusty and speckled with dirt? With Shader Graph you can, without even writing a single line of code! Unity 2018.2 extended the ability for Shader Graph to modify the

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Visual Effect Graph: Parameters and Binders

In these episodes, we expand on the simple VFX Graph that we have built in the previous videos. Let’s make it easier to customize our Visual Effect Graph with Parameters. We can expose parts of the graph to the Inspector using the Blackboard. Then you can use tweak the field, sliders, and color chips interactively.

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Measured Material Library

Unity recently announced the Measured Materials Library. This is a set of 300 materials available for free, downloadable as a package from the Asset Store. Included are some detailed examples of: fabric/suede plastic leather wood metal and chrome car paint Many of these are complex with multiple layers of textures. Work with them directly in

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