
Unite Los Angeles 2018

Hey everyone,

Unite 2018 is underway in Los Angeles!  In case you missed it last night, Unity announced some upcoming features, some available in the current 2018.3 beta and some coming in 2019.

Highlights from the Keynote:

Cinecast – Unity demoed a cool extension of their work on Cinemachine, allowing you to direct in-game cutting and editing in real-time (they showed this live using a four-player session of the upcoming GTFO game).  It looks promising. The application for eSports, cut scenes, and replays are endless.

Cinecast: direct the action in real-time

FPSSample – a sample project for a full first-person shooter is available on Unity’s Github repository.  This is a full AAA-style shooter showing professional practices for both art and coding.  A six-person team worked for two years on this, and it’s a must download!

FPSSample: make your own first-person shooter

Visual Effect Graph – much like their effort with the ShaderGraph, visual effects and particles now have their own UI for building effects in a more procedural fashion.  This looks like so fun much and it’s already in the beta. Stay tuned for a future post dedicated to this one.

Visual Effect Graph: node-based visual effects

ECS and Multiplayer Alpha – the replacement for UNET is targeted for the full rollout of the Entity Component System (ECS).  Their mantra is performance by default. They demo’ed a flying car scene reminiscent of the Fifth Element, with literally hundreds of thousands of game objects at 60fps (and even running on a  mobile device).  Amazing!

ECS: try to count the number of GameObjects in the scene!

Film and Animation – several developers using Unity for film and television (e.g. Baymax Dreams on the Disney channel) showcased their work.  This should point to a trend: Unity is growing beyond real-time game applications.  Keep an eye on this space as you will see Unity used more and more in sectors beyond gaming.

Film and Animation:  Unity is more than just for games!

Anyway too much good stuff for one blog post.  Tune into Day 2 for live streaming of their sessions on ECS.

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Unite Los Angeles 2018: Keynote

Unite Los Angeles 2018: Day 1 Livestream

Unite Los Angeles 2018: Day 2 Livestream

Unite Los Angeles 2018: Day 3 Livestream

FPSSample project on GitHub